Flare / BTU / Sulphur Analyzers

Recent changes to regulations such as the Alberta CEMS Code, modifications to Ont. Reg. 530, and Ontario’s newly proposed regulation for Reducing Sulphur Dioxide Emissions from Petroleum Facilities require additional monitoring of SO2 emissions from high content sources such as Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Units (FCCU), Fluid Coking Units (FCU), Catalytic Cracking Units (HCCU), Sulphur Recovery Units (SRU), refinery Fuel Gas Combustion devices, and Flares. Additional requirements such as monitoring the BTU or Net Heating Value of flare gas is anticipated, as is the introduction of similar requirements covering other sulphur-bearing combustible gases such as Coke Oven Gas.

 Novatech offers various analytical techniques that are capable of making these measurements, alongside expert advice regarding the technology that best suits your application. We also have the ability to design a fully-customized system based on your specific requirements. Our product offering includes calorimeters, gas chromatographs, mass spectrometers,  UV and TDL analyzers.



5100HD TDLAS Gas Analyzer

The 5100HD extractive gas analyzer from Ametek can be fitted with one or two tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) measurement cells. These are fitted in...

SOLA iQ Total Sulphur

Building on the proven Pulsed UV (Ultra Violet) -Fluorescence technology of the Thermo Scientific SOLA II, the new SOLA iQ provides improved I/O, interface and...

Prima PRO Mass Spectrometer

The Prima PRO family of process mass spectrometers (MS) from Thermo Scientific are the logical choice for critical applications in the petrochemical, iron and steel,...

CWD Calorimeter

The CWD range of calorimeters from Union Instruments provides a direct measurement of a gas’ Wobbe Index.  Coupled with an available internal specific gravity...

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